Sensing, predicting and exploiting consumer visual attention in fast-paced marketing environments

The CONVISE project

Short introduction

The CONVISE project is situated around the area of Attention-Based Marketing (ABM). ABM is the relevant subdiscipline of Marketing, which employs consumer attention sensing technology to understand and improve on (visual) marketing stimuli, marketing effectiveness, and consumer behaviors.

The challenges

CONVISE will study:

  • how to efficiently measure consumer attention in fast-paced environments (e.g., in electronic marketing)
  • how to optimise visual ads for attracting consumer attention
  • democratise consumer attention data (e.g., eye-sensing data/facial expressions) for improving the experience of individual consumers
    – while respecting their privacy at the same time.

What are we going to do

The CONVISE project will integrate insights from the Marketing and Computer Vision disciplines, to design methods for sensing, predicting, and exploiting consumer visual attention, to optimise marketing effort and enhance consumer well-being, in social media advertising settings.

To this end, it will design:

  • Reliable and market-relevant consumer attention sensing technology.
  • Novel consumer attention prediction technology, without using any sensors.
  • Rich experimental protocols to validate the developed technology from a consumer behaviour analysis standpoint.